Wednesday, February 5, 2014


~ Take Shape For Life Lean & Green Meal Cookbook

30 oz. pork tenderloin, trimmed of fat
8 c. bok choy, chopped
4 c. mushroom, sliced
4 t. fresh ginger, grated or diced
4 t. olive oil
non-stick cooking spray

Slice tenderloin into 1/2" thick pieces; set aside. 

Heat a skillet over medium heat and spray with cooking spray. Add ginger and saute 1-2 minutes. Add bok choy and mushrooms; saute 5-8 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove vegetables from skillet and place in a bowl, covering with a plate to keep warm.

Add olive oil to skillet, then add pork slices. Stir fry 3-4 minutes on each side or until no longer pink. Serve pork slices over vegetables.  

Makes four servings.

Notes: Contrary to the name of the dish, it's actually very mild. It tastes good on its own or served over rice.

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