Tuesday, November 28, 2017


~ Bethany Weathersby

1 T. olive oil
1 onion, chopped
4 c. garbanzo beans
4 c. cooked, pureed squash (I've used a mix of patty pan and zucchini)
2 6 oz. cans tomato paste
2 14.5 oz cans chicken broth
1/2 t. red pepper flakes
1 t. garlic powder
1 T. Italian seasoning
salt and pepper, to taste

Heat oil in Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion and saute until tender. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer twenty minutes.

Notes: This was a "raid the freezer and cabinet" lunch we made in our Rockcrok Dutch Oven with beans and squash we'd previously cooked and frozen that turned out to be pretty tasty. I didn't actually measure any of the seasonings, so the amounts here are just estimates and you can adjust them as you see fit.

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